June 15th – wk #2 2021

CSA Share this week

  • Lettuce Mix
  • Bok Choy
  • Hakurei Turnips
  • Radish
  • Arugula
  • Swiss Chard

We hope that you enjoyed your first week of CSA. Deliveries went smooth and we have started to receive members vacation schedules. Your CSA membership includes 20 weeks of vegetable shares. Not included in those 20 weeks is a 1 week break. We do not pack CSA shares the week of July 4th. This typically is a week that many people travel and are not available to pick-up their veggies. We began taking this week years ago because it became a scheduling nightmare. We are anticipating that several of you may be making plans for the week, the holiday is observed on Monday, the kids will be out of school, restrictions are lifting, and everyone is ready to have some fun. We take this week to catch-up on some much needed field work and transplant all of the fall crops. As many of you know, we are a very small crew here. Joe and Joely with our two “adult” boys, Angus and Marcus. So, make those plans!! NO CSA Deliveries July 5th-July 9th.

Vegetable Directory

For more information about your weekly veggies, you can find storage and usage tips on the Vegetable Directory. This can be found from the menu on the website or the link above.

Recipes – We had a recipe submission from Abbi – THANK YOU! Turnips and Greens with Apples The recipe is for the Hakurei Salad Turnips (and you can use arugula if you don’t have the greens) Check it out on the Turnip Page in the Vegetable Directory

This week you can whip up a quick stir-fry with bok choy, turnip, radish, chard (stems too). When cooking add stems bok choy and chard with the firmer veggies and add the greens to wilt a bit after veggies are at desired tenderness. I have a really quick sauce to use. I use this one quite a bit (or a variation of the original) You can find the original recipe here. It is not necessary, but if you would like to thicken the sauce, you can use cornstarch, tapioca, or arrowroot powder. Mix approx 1 Tbsp of powder with 1 Tbsp water to form a paste then add to pan after your veggies are cooked with the sauce. This will thicken the sauce as it reaches boiling temp. If it gets too thick add a bit of water(have some ready just in case). Too thin add more of the paste mixture. As the liquid heats to a boil in the pan it will thicken to coat your veggies. Since this is not the original way the sauce was intended you may want to heat separately then add to veggies after they have cooked to your desired tenderness.

the sauce
6 tbsp tamari (sub-soy sauce or liquid aminos)
1/2 cup water
3 tbsp maple syrup or brown sugar
4 cloves garlic grated (can use powder just less)
1.5 tsp fresh ginger grated (can use powder just less)
1 tsp sesame seeds + more for garnish
1 tsp hot sauce or red chili flakes
make the sauce:
Whisk all the sauce ingredients together and bring to a simmer in a medium size skillet. Cook for about 30 seconds just enough to tame the garlic. 

Quick Tips: Rhubarb: It was hot this past week. If you still have your rhubarb in the fridge, you can freeze it for later baking. Simply cut into 1″chunks and put it in a freezer baggie. No need to blanch or prepare other than having it clean and dry. You can then use for making rhubarb sauce or baked goods when you are ready. Radish: typically eaten raw on salads and sandwiches; can be cooked and they lose the spiciness; Bok Choy: excellent as a salad, cooked, or smoothies Hakurei Salad Turnip: can be eaten raw sliced or shredded on salads, sandwiches, or wraps; they store for quite a long time with proper storage. Looking for a recipe that hides them try the Turnip Burgers. Arugula: use quickly, perishable-does not store well, peppery green, salads, sandwiches, chopped and added pasta, pizza topping, pesto Swiss Chard: similar to spinach, eat the stems too, eat raw or cooked, can be used for a gluten free sandwich wrap; chard stalk hummus and pesto on the Swiss Chard Page

Photos this week:

Thank you for supporting our small farm!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Feel free to email or text.

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